Raquel & Ethan

Friday, October 23, 2009


The days of my little girl in princess costumes are gone...
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The kids had a great time at their school's fall festival..in fact we all had a great time. I got to go in the petting zoo with these cute goats...Raquel ran all around with her friends and spent alot of
the evening in a corn maze and on a karaoke stage. And
Lawrence became the proud owner of a police escort. That
sounds like he might have been dragged off to jail when really
he just went nuts at a silent auction and got into a bidding war
with another parent and won the kids a ride with a local police
officer. The police officer will come to the house, pick the kids
up and take them to breakfast and then drop them off to school.
This was probably close to winning the lottery for Ethan...
early on in the bidding when it was around 25 dollars, he
was yelling..."put down 100, don't you have 100?"