Going to Florida
The kids sitting in the airport watching tv on Lawrence's phone. We made it to the airport on time..we got dropped off by lawrence while he parked the car and then a airport police dog went nuts on us...raquel was very upset at this "rude" dog and I was praying she did not tell the officer that owned the dog this. We moved and got in the airport, went through security at the same time our travel agent called us both....then the pulled us aside to look in ethans bag. We got on and headed to phoenix. The weather is nice here, not to hot. We have a great view of the ocean and the kids love going to the beach. Spring Break is here and we ride up and down the elevators with drunks. Lawrence has been very helpful and offering to go to the store all the time.....I wonder why. Maybe tommorow will be Kennedy, the space shuttle took off last night at 2 in the morning for a mission.